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Who are the governors?

Governing Body

At present the following are members of the governing body

Members may be re-elected after serving for 4 years


NamePositionTerm from

Term to

Stephen WadsworthChair & Foundation Governor1st June 20231st June 2027

Richard Pickering

Vice Chair & Foundation Governor1st June 202231st May 2026
Rev Edward DownEx Officio (Foundation Governor)October 2020n/a

Fiona Brooks

Headteacher (Ex Officio)23rd August 2021n/a

Nirav Soni

Parent Governor1st March 202128th Feb 2025

Kerry Hadley

Foundation Governorpending 

Sophie Barker

Deputy Head - in attendancen/a 

Sophie Webb

Staff Governor27th Sept 202426th Sept 2028
Lisa FosterSupport Staff Governor27th Sept 202426th Sept 2028

Rob Morgan

Local Governor13th December 202312th December 2027
Kerry MillerClerk to Governorsn/a 



The Chair of Governors can be contacted c/o the school by letter or email at


Governors' role and complaints

Governors often attend curriculum afternoons, parents' evenings and Tuesday coffee mornings. They will wear their governor's badge to identify themselves and are always pleased to hear your suggestions, ideas and comments.

However, governors may only act with the remit of the full governing body and may not give advice or act as individuals.

If you have any concerns or complaints please use the Trust's complaints policy.

