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Family Support

Information about family life and support

Family life can be rewarding and fulfilling, but there are times when it can be overwhelming and you need some support. In school we can support in the following ways:

  • Education Welfare Officer – Andrew Broadhead – can advise and support with attendance issues
  • School Nurse – can advise and support with children’s health issues
  • Fiona Brooks – Headteacher – can lend a listening ear, advise and support on safeguarding and education issues and signpost support from the Local Authority, charities and other local services.
  • Jenny Moore – Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator – advise and support on children’s special educational needs
  • Hannah Boles – Learning Mentor – advice and support on children’s behaviour, mental health and bereavement
  • Mrs King and Mrs Woolley - Office – advice and support on school financial issues.


Please come to the office to arrange an appointment with any of these people.


There is also further support available online or in person:

Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Leicester - 0300 330 1025

FREE helpline for information and appointments
9.00 – 4.30 Monday to Friday


Hope Hamilton Early Help Offer

New Dawn - provide help to many families through family counselling and social support. They seek to work with individuals or holistically with the whole family, taking a person centred approach to produce the best outcome.


Care for Family – website – advice about all aspects of parenting including podcasts, parenting courses, leaflets


Family Lives – website – listening, supportive and non-judgemental advice on all aspects of family life including behaviour management, Social Care involvement, learning, health and development, divorce


Dad Info - Advice for parents from a dad’s perspective.


Mind – a charity concerned with mental health. There are guides to support and services and tips for everyday living.


The Laura Centre – for when a child dies or is bereaved


UAVA – United Against Violence and Abuse – support anyone who has been a victim of domestic abuse or sexual violence


Relate – charity to help with family relationships



Gingerbread - advice and support for single parents


Happy Steps - Research and resources for those parenting within stepfamilies.


Thinkuknow - Online support and advice for parents, carers and children about websites, mobiles and new technology


Health for Kids (and grown ups) - Online advice and information about keeping your child healthy and maintaining their wellbeing.

Online courses - all stages of parenting
