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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

How can school support your child if they have special educational needs, a disability?

What can you do if you are concerned about your child?


School has an open door policy, so always feel free to contact members of staff through e-mail, phone or face to face by making an appointment or speaking to the class teacher, with any concerns you have.


School telephone: 0116 2766121

Sendco: Jennifer Moore e-mail:



We aim to support all children and families through our shared vision

Love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)

Useful websites to help you and your child:

Information on support services Leicester city has to offer:


FACE: Family, advice, communication & Education -


A short animation sharing what the Local offer is:

Family Information | What is the Local Offer? (

Or see


A link to the Local Offer website:

Family Information | SEND Local Offer (


Easy Peasy is an app you can down load and has lots of ideas for supporting children in the early years. 'Give your child the best start in life.'


Understanding Autism-information and resources

Autism Central for Parents and Carers | Autism Central

Autism Central


Speech Language and communication support:

Leicester City:  The Balanced System® speech, language and communication pathway


Ideas & Fun activities to help develop children's listening, attention, speech and language:


Healthy Together (School Nurse) service:

Advice on what the health care practicioner can do:

You can contact a nurse using the team telephone number - 0116 215 3234.  This is a confidential answer machine and is listened to twice a day (mon-Fri).  

There is also a confidential text messaging service, Chat Health, available between 9-5 Monday - Friday.  Leicester City text:  07520615381

Young people (secondary school age) should text:  07520615386 

School nurse help line:  0300 300 3001  This is a maned line where you can speak to someone directly.


Health for Kids - Online support and advice for children and grown ups on how to maintain health and wellbeing. 

NHS - online training
