Internet Safety for Parents
Parents are always working to keep their children safe in a rapidly changing online world. As a school we regularly teach internet safety and work to increase children’s self-esteem to support them to be less vulnerable online. Here are some useful websites with information to support parents: – these people are the experts in digital family life. The information includes an online parenting course for £7, information and advice on body confidence and other topics and guides about different apps and platforms to assist parental boundary setting. – information about all aspects of keeping children safe and positive parenting, what to do if you think a child is being abused and helpful information about how to keep children safe online called ShareAware. There is also a template for a family agreement to discuss with your child about their internet usage. – sign up for #DITTO - a free online safety (e-safety) magazine for schools, organisations and parents to keep you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology. A new edition is released approx. every 6 weeks - information for children and young people about being online and what to do if something goes wrong. There is information on fake news, screen time, phone usage and self esteem. - online safety films to watch with your child
Net Aware – find and download this app on your phone. It tells parents about different games, apps and platforms – what they are, what the risks to children are and what children like about each one. You can also search for games and apps by key features if you don’t know what they’re called.