Please feel free to contact us if you have any feedback or questions at
You can also contact any of the following:
Mrs Fiona Brooks - Headteacher | |
Mrs Sophie Barker - Deputy Headteacher | |
Mr Stephen Wadsworth - Chair of Governors | |
Mrs Nikola Green - Assistant Headteacher | |
Miss Jenny Moore - Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo | |
Mrs Preti Patel - Foundation Stage Leader | |
Please email Sophie Barker for queries about Yellow, Orange, Red or Pink base.
Please email Jenny Moore for queries about Green, Blue, Indigo or Violet base.
Please email Nikola Green for queries about Silver, Gold, Ebony or Copper base.
You can contact the office at:
This address can also be used to contact staff. Use FAO and their name for the subject header.
You can contact the headteacher on
You will usually get a reply within 48 hours during term time or within a few days during holidays.
You can contact the chair of Governors at:
Call 0116 2766121
An answer machine is available before 8.30am and after 4.30pm.
Please try to avoid calling at 9am and 3.15pm when the office is especially busy.
You can contact us in writing
Hope Hamilton CE (VA) Primary School
Sandhills Ave.,
North Hamilton,
LE5 1 LU
You can use the following form to contact the office. Please say who you would like your enquiry directed to.