Opening Times
School opens at 8.40am each day and closes at 3.15pm (32.5 hrs per week).
Attendance Matters
Children make best progress when the attend school regularly. There is a proven link between absence and children having lower attainment. Good attendance means children maintain friendship circles and because they haven't missed work, they understand what is going on in class.
No holidays are authorised in term time and parents of children who are taken out of school for unauthorised holidays of 5 days or more may be issued with a penalty notice (a fine).
If your child is unable to attend school it is important you inform school at the earliest possible convenience, preferably before 8.30am. Please make sure you state your child’s name, class teacher and the reason for absence. Messages can be left on the school answerphone before 8.30am.
Dental and medical appointments should be made outside school hours where possible.
If we have no reason for a child not being in school we may phone home to find out why they are absent. This is for safeguarding reasons, in case something should have happened on the way to school.
Children should arrive at school on time. They should come into class ready to begin at 8.40am when the register is taken. Late letters are sent half termly to remind parents of good punctuality.
If children arrive after 8.50am they need to arrive via the school office to sign in late as they will have been marked absent on the electronic registers.